Noble Girl

Whether we are living happier if we are single? Lady First~

It is constant confusion whether we are living happier if we are single. And Whether we should get married. There is no denying that we are all eager to be princess for the other half. But we are still worrying about we will be unpleasant after we get married. Plenty of realistic truths have proved that lady will become upset on account of many tedious small stuffs after getting married. Only a few ladies who compromise lots of things enable to do it well.

Unmarried Celebrities

And ladies who are not married have different values than married ladies do. They care more about individualistic and expressive experiences, like freedom, creativity, trying new things, and do something for fun. They embrace those kinds of post-materialistic values, instead of their marital status, are happier without doubt. With the development of society, marriage rates have been declining for decades, meanwhile, the value placed on freedom, creativity, trying new things, and do something for fun has been increasing quickly. Pundits and scholars have warned that these trends possibly leave people becoming more unpleasant. But do they really? Maybe we can refer to the study of Professor Kislev.

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During the study, he asked whether unmarried people value freedom, creativity, trying new things, and having fun more than married people do. Later he examined whether those values were linked to happiness. Next, he looked at if the link between those values and happiness was any different for unmarried people than for married people. Eventually, he proved the more that people value freedom, creativity, trying new things, and having fun, the happier they will be.

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In fact, I believe a lot of people consider unmarried people are happier than married people. But it is not a piece of cake to continue it because of other people’s thinking, especially our relatives. They will put heavy pressure on our heart. We all know they do it for us, but they never know we don’t like it.

Single Life Vs. Married Life

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