Wholesale7 offer various coupons for discounts. There are two methods to use coupons: Input a coupon code or select a coupon. You can use the coupon when you are making an order on the checkout page.
After signing in your Wholesale7 account. You can click "My Account" at the upper right corner of our website, you will see all the current coupons you have.
1. Only one coupon can be used per order.
2. Coupon will be applied if minimum order is met prior to a shipping fee.
3. Coupons cannot be used in conjunction with points redemption.
4. Special products can not use coupons : Include products under the 'Buy 4 Get 1 Free " " Flash Deal " "Big Sale " " Super Sale " "Pre-Sale " "Any M For N"
5. The coupon will be returned automatically after the order is canceled.
Note:If the coupon was returned, and it was overdue, it can't be used anymore. You still can try to this way to find it again:【 My Coupon 】-【 Overdue 】
After adding items to your shopping bag, go to the checkout page and click the coupon toggle. There are two methods to use coupons:
Method 1:
Enter your code directly in the box and apply.
Method 2:
Click to select your current have coupon which is unused and apply.
After entering your code or selecting your current coupon, the Payable Amount will be reduced correspondingly. And then, you can complete your order.
If your coupon is not working, the reason will be given when you try to apply the coupon code.
Common reasons including:
1. The coupon code has been incorrectly entered.
2. The coupon can only be used in a limited time, maybe the coupon has been expired.
3. The coupon may have been used already.
4. The coupon has reached this limit.
5. The coupon exceed usage number of time.
6. If you have a coupon which is not working and you don't know why, contact us please.
1. For coupon code, they will publish on the banner during some promotions.
2. For coupons, some will send to your account in some special promotions or marketing campaign.
3. Click here to go to the coupon center to get more.